Monday, August 3, 2009

Remind Me Daily

Thunderstorms moved in on a cold front last night. Its been in the 90’s lately, but today our Northern skies carry a cool, windy summer rain. I’m actually enjoying the change of weather, its one of the things I love about Spokane. You can be wearing a t-shirt and Capri’s one day, and a need a sweater and long pants the next. The constant change keeps life interesting!

I’ve felt really restless the last few weeks. Worried about things, and wondering if they’ll turn out for better or for worse. Its like I’m waiting for answers to questions that can’t be answered right now. I have to wait on God’s perfect timing.

Just replace ‘wonder’ with ‘worry’ and these are things my mind has been dwelling on:
Wonder if our friendships or social lives will change. Or if we’re doing enough to change them. Wonder if I’ll ever get married, if I should, and to whom. I’m concerned about losing my job in another month, and what I should do after that.

Yet, with all of these concerns- there’s very little I can do to change any of them. And when you have done everything in your power, then what?

Wasting time on tomorrow’s cares and concerns (which really aren’t even tomorrow’s, because I don’t know how God may change the circumstances) is something I do so easily.

Elizabeth Elliot has some wise insights on this subject in her book, Secure in the Everlasting Arms.

“When we try to meet difficulties prematurely we have neither the light nor the strength for them yet. “As thy days so shall they strength be.”” (Scripture from Deuteronomy 33:25)

This is something I need to be reminded daily, since my tendency is to worry and try to plan out my future.

“Lord please give me the strength to let go the things I need give up, go. Help me to surrender my will (and pride) in thinking I can figure them out on my own, trusting that You have the best for me in mind- even when I don’t feel like it. And help me to see You in the day. Choosing to enjoy Your love and provision for this hour, instead of letting tomorrow’s cares invade what there is to take pleasure in today.”

“God doesn’t help those who help themselves. He helps those who give up.”
- Chuck Smith (Calvary Chapel)


  1. Thanks for the reminder! Those are thoughts I needed to hear, and be reminder of! I especially like that Elisabeth Elliot quote--worth posting somewhere!

  2. You're welcome Angela! That's why I named this post 'remind me daily' because I need it!

    And that book is the one you gave me a few years back... :)

